I kept staring at the chandelier, the way it reflected it’s light all across the hall. A few more chandeliers in the room doing what exactly the one above me was doing, but I didn’t bother about the rest. It was like how in a Bollywood number, we look at the actor or the actress rather than the background dancers who are doing the same steps. I had a glass of wine with me and was trying to get the smell of it and move the glass around, just to make others feel that , ‘I knew my wine’. But trust me I had no idea. The color of wine shined in the presence of the chandelier which was the reason I noticed it at the first place. Looking over at the crowd that was dining a top notch dinner, I was waiting for a special person and our table to be ready. Right then, a girl in a wine red cocktail dress, a high pony and black stilettos just walked past by me as I kept sipping my wine. She sat couple of seats ahead of me and moved the strands of her hair behind her ears, waiting for her table, ...
Stories with an edge.This blog here is purely fictional, unlike the last one and any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. These are just my ideas, that I'm expressing in the form of a story. So let me tell you a story...