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Showing posts from May, 2017

Post Master of None, Season 2

After finishing a fantastic second season of Master of None, started going through Ansari's Wikipedia page to come across that he has written book on something he was dealing with through his series. So I got the book and I've been reading Modern Romance- An investigation. Reading this, I'm kind of feeling that in a way we feel we're a generation who've seen the best of both, now I feel that we've lived the best now we're just turning into 'not so nice' people. The way we play some form of competitive games over the various apps available to us, where the texts are a way to hide from the actual conversations or the way our personalities are judged over the way we use the dictionary, grammar, emojis and how we sound over a text. After some level there is an understanding dynamic between the two, but until then it's this uncertainty that might come off as confusion or in a judgemental form, might be a loss of something that could've would...