An orange falls from a tree- Not on Newton. No one wondered why she fell, like he did when the apple did. But everyone wondered whether the orange was orange or the orange was the orange. Is orange a color or a fruit or a color named after the fruit or the fruit named after the color?? How does orange look?? For me she looks orange, for you too she does- but my orange isn’t the same as yours. I might be color blind or you might be, or we both might not be- yet orange is orange today, but tomorrow or for someone else, she’s totally different. Once we make an attempt to accept all the confusions of her cover, we look closer, as she lets you into her world. As we get introduced to a new expression among the various others of her. The juicy vesicles that we consume each one of them having a quality of her own, mood of her own and having her own individual existence within. An aroma of her own that slows down the movement of sand into the other side of it. As we separate a vesicle, anothe...
Stories with an edge.This blog here is purely fictional, unlike the last one and any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. These are just my ideas, that I'm expressing in the form of a story. So let me tell you a story...